Furnishing dining room and living room together: how to organize the space? - VOX Furniture UAE

Ideas for furnishing in a coordinated way the areas dedicated to dining and relaxation, creating functional, comfortable and design spaces

There was a time when every room in the house had precise functions that delimited its boundaries. One of the substantial characteristics that defines traditional domestic spaces is found precisely in this subdivision, at times rather rigid, not only between the living area and the sleeping area, but also between the living room, kitchen and dining area.

With changing perspectives and lifestyle habits, these barriers have been overcome over the years, in the name of a more fluid contemporaneity.

Furniture and design, faithful mirrors of lifestyle habits and changes in society, are increasingly oriented towards total look solutions designed for homes to be set up according to the renewed needs of modernity.

Let's start from the ideas for furnishing hall and living room together and thus obtain harmonious results and faithful to their desires. Is there anything more incredible?

Vox furniture gives space to contemporaneity in our homes!

Furnishing living room and dining room together is an idea that gives harmony, elegance and is definitely current in terms of interior design trends. The main objective is to maintain stylistic continuity in spaces organized as open spaces, which flow into each other without distinction.

About the style? There are no limits: industrial, contemporary, classic or country, for every taste requirement there is the possibility to create uniform and at the same time creative environments. 

There is only one rule: regardless of the available space, the furniture of the living room and dining room must be organized in such a way as to maintain stylistic continuity. In fact, these two areas should be separated only ideally and should therefore harmonize with each other.

Dining and living room furniture Vox Dubai

Make your dining table flawless

Realize the perfect coexistence of living room and dining room, within a single environment, is definitely a trend of furniture destined to become more and more a "must". This is certainly linked to the concept of open space and therefore to the choice of having at hand in a single environment living room, kitchen and dining area naturally paying attention to space and furniture.

In this vision, the choice of the dining table is not random. Already in a previous article we talked about how to choose the shape of the dining table. Whether it is square, round or rectangular, it does not matter! You always have to think about the function it serves in your home.

To combine dining room and living room in the presence of a reduced size there are many furniture solutions. In this case you will have to focus on space-saving solutions. Vox dining tables have a solution for every need!

Elegance is ensured with the Dining table with drawers from the Nature Home Vox collection. Made of 100% wood with metal inserts, this piece is equipped with black metal panels which, in addition to giving an extra touch to the table, will help you keep dishes warm. And if you prefer to enrich your table with other accessories, you can always remove the panels and make room for more! The useful drawers will help you keep everything in order, giving you the possibility to store cutlery and other items.

If you prefer light colors, 4 You Home Vox offers several options. The Foldable dining table can seat 4 to 8 people. Ideal for large families or for those who simply love to organize dinners with many guests, this piece adapts to any need thanks to the possibility of adding or removing inserts and the presence of large drawers.

dinnig table Vox Dubai UAE

Couples will be more comfortable with the Square dining table, great if you want to stay cozy and save space. Even in this case the large two-tone drawers come to the aid in all their versatility.

Let's not neglect the chairs!

The final touch for your dining room? The closer chair, available in different colors. Equipped with a swivel seat to facilitate entry and exit for those who use it, the project conceived by designers Aleksandra Wiśniewska and Piotr Kuchciński was awarded for ergonomics at the TOP DESIGN competition.

Shelf, Bookcase or sideboard? You choose it!

The perfect living room is the one that best meets your needs and desires. Who said, for example, that shelves should only contain books?

The Ribbon hanging shelf from the Ribbon Home Vox collection will make your living room modern, allowing you to store objects of different sizes without sacrificing aesthetics. The same can be said for the Ribbon high bookcase: the internal subdivision between shelves allows you to separate items belonging to different uses from each other. The style and colors of the Ribbon Home Vox collection ensure that the furniture can function as a whole but also as single parts combined with pieces from other collections.

If you prefer a storage unit that does not show too much, the Display cabinet oak from the Nature Home Vox collection is what you need. Available in two colors, it includes LED lighting in the open space that illuminates above and below. The oak edges make it aesthetically pleasing, while helping to prevent scratches and abrasions.

Have you decided how to decorate your living room and dining room together? Visit the shop and discover with Vox how to make your home unique.